
Thursday, April 4, 2013


In a perfect world, every day would be Sunday. Sunday’s have been notoriously amazing for me. The day would start off with breakfast. I can’t decide if I’d get Eggs Benedict, Grilled Cheese with Tomato and Bacon, or Two Eggs (sunny side up of course!) Bacon and Cheese with Home Fries on the side. It’s a serious struggle of mine to decide. I wish I could have all three but I’ll probably go with the Grilled Cheese. It’s been about a month since I’ve had one. After breakfast, I’ll go to the gym. Run three miles, do some feeble arms and ab exercises and head out. I’d wash my hair when I get home –need the fresh curls for the upcoming week. Then I’d head to the park alone. Well I’ll attempt to. My dog will beg to come. My sisters will be annoyed with me because I don’t spend separate alone time with them. My nephew would be the person that I chose but then everyone would be annoyed. I’ll probably end up going with Nikki. We tend to do random park trips on Sunday afternoons. OF COURSE, ice-cream will be involved. Can we just stop and think about how great ice-cream is? So many different flavors and things to add to it. It’s sooo much more interesting than cake and cookies. After I demolish that and have some kind of deep conversation about moving away and being bored with life with Nikki, we’d bid our farewells. On the way home I’ll be singing every song that comes on my iPod out loud and most certainly “Ring the Alarm” by Beyonce comes on and I look the guy in the car next to mine in the eyes and proceed to sing every lyric to hit before the light turns green. When I get home I’ll either spend some time with my nephew and hang out with him until my HBO or Showtime show comes on. If I don’t do that, I’ll be with my shorty. Laid up talking about my favorite Sunday show and he’ll tell me about how much he hates it, yet he’d watch it with me and sneak some kisses in to distract me. Then he’ll send me on my way because “you have to wake up early kid.”

Is it Sunday yet?

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