
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

.Pursuit of Happiness.

So last night I went to see Kid Cudi in a FREE concert that was hosted by Bacardi. They had tons of free perks including open bar and pizza when the night was over. It was from 9pm to about 3am. The opening acts were good and Cudi was great! I'm soo happy that I scored those free tickets! I'm a big Cudi fan and I feel super blessed that I was able to see both him and Kanye, two guys that I've listened to so much these past two years, perform this year. I always said that when I get the chance to go to a Cudi concert, I'd go home with him lol but I didn't get that chance THIS TIME. I did have a few haters but that's ok. I'll prove them wrong. Cudi performed some great songs and a couple of my favorites. It was such a wonderful night. Absolutely wonderful.

His last song was "Pursuit of Happiness" and I feel like that's kind of ironic and symbolic of what my summer and this transitional time is for me. I'm tired of making everyone else happy and doing what THEY want. I know what I want and if you can't give that to me or assist in helping me be happy and meet me half way, then I can't. It's not about you anymore. I want to be happy. Time to do things for me. I'm in my prime.

"I'll be fine once I get it..I'll be good."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you dont use fb no more these days huh! you in jersey? gimme a shout, im workin in ny for the summer.

bermuda dave