
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

.my president is black.

So I went to DC this historic weekend to say that I WAS THERE. I didn't get a chance to be up close to see the celebrities, to be in the stands during the parade, I didn't even get a chance to see Obama up close. But being there, brought so many tears down my face. As American people, as united as our states may be, we are never one to really have different races meshed in all together and to see that really had me going. Just like everyone said and has been saying, watching and witnessing the silence that fell over DC when Obama spoke and was sworn in was amazing. At that moment I knew that everyone felt the same exact way that I did. We as a country witnessed the most amazing thing that we knew thus far. I continue to get emotional just thinking about it. So many people were crying, people stood at attention, so many little kids were there. It was breath taking! And noone was fighting! It was just a peaceful day. Though a lot of the actual inaugurual I saw on television, I was still there in DC amongst my fellow Americans. For the first time I was actually proud to be an American. I was proud to see all those people support this black man and his family enter into this life changing experience. They are going to be watched, criticized, and studied like no other and though we are celebrating now, there will be some people in that crowd to switch up and go back to the same things of the past. But I'll always remember being in the mesh amongst the United, CRYING with my fellow Americans, watching and officially welcoming Barack Hussein Obama into our country as well as our hearts. So I went to DC this historic weekend to say that I WAS THERE. I didn't get a chance to be up close to see the celebrities, to be in the stands during the parade, I didn't even get a chance to see Obama up close. But I got to be an American who witnessed history.

1 comment:

BillionHeiress said...

HerStory! You were there to witness history! That's a Blessing.

This is a day that no one ever saw coming. Some people didn't have faith in the vision. But what GOD promises shall be done!